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VN-INDEX 1.332,54 0,00/0,00%
Biểu đồ thời gian thực
Cập nhật lúc 8:59:59 SA

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VN-INDEX    1.332,54   0,00/0,00%  |   HNX-INDEX   240,58   0,00/0,00%  |   UPCOM-INDEX   99,40   0,00/0,00%  |   VN30   1.393,57   0,00/0,00%  |   HNX30   503,98   0,00/0,00%
12 Tháng Ba 2025 9:04:23 SA - Mở cửa
CTCP Hoàng Anh Gia Lai (HAG : HOSE)
Cập nhật ngày 12/03/2025
9:00:00 SA
12,50 x 1000 VND
Thay đổi (%)

0,00 (0,00%)
Tham chiếu
Mở cửa
Cao nhất
Thấp nhất
Khối lượng
KLTB 10 ngày
Cao nhất 52 tuần
Thấp nhất 52 tuần
Gửi bình luận
Chúng tôi khuyến khích những bình luận theo hướng mở rộng hoặc bổ sung thông tin liên quan cho cổ phiếu. Chúng tôi sẽ khóa những bình luận có ngôn từ mang tính kích động hoặc bất nhã.
Bình luận (4)
davidnguyen4444    11 năm trước

Sharks, who shorted HAG as I had recommended, are have a very good time. The Global Witness report will bring more government regulations/oversee!!! HAG will have to spend billions to "grease" corrupted officials, public projects to buy goodwill with the local people and making its plantations/operations more environmental friendly!!!
HAG may suffer a loss for 2013 so my plan to speculate HAG around 10.000 is feasible before the new year; however, if bau Duc will sell his HAG holding, My HAG target will only be 4-5.000.

davidnguyen4444    11 năm trước

It looks like many investors have agreed with my opinion that HAG is a bad "bluechip" so it almost hit the floor (23.900) at closing. If short selling is legal, I would have a good laugh all the way to the bank.

davidnguyen4444    11 năm trước

what kind of fools who are paying 26.000 for HAG?
HAG critial indicators are bad: P/E=39.01; ROEA=3.66; ROAA=1.23 (source: Vietstock).
1.HAG are investing heavily in sugar (Lao) but it has problem trying to export its sugar to VN. Why can HAG sell its sugar to the world?
2.A large chunk of HAG are in rubber plantations (VN, Lao and Cambodia), but Bridgestone (a world class tire company) had developed a better synthetic rubber that can be 100% recycle!!! Even if the new synthetic tires will be more expensive than rubber tires, the green-minded consumer in developed countries will prefer it, and HAG will be stuck with a loosing business within this decade.
3. HAG is also jumping into Myanmar with both feet, but the new government is weak and Myanmar has serious political problems (a lot of Myanmar refugees are in Thailand). HAG may get a broken arm investing in Myanmar so early.
I am giving Bau Duc some credit for bailing out of VN real estate early and a hard worker, but he is old and hard head. He is not the right man for the job as the CEO of HAG.

davidnguyen4444    12 năm trước

HAG: Tough Days Ahead !!!
The CEO of HAG (Bau Duc) is a hard head with a short fuse and he did not have any assistance with a cooler head!!! HAG made a big mistake demanding that S&P stop rating it. I read the S&P report, and I thought it was a conservative but fair report. HAG should request S&P to include some of its explanation/opinion in the report rather than stop evaluating HAG!!!
Most foreign investors including funds/ETF are making plan to bail out of their HAG investment. I bet that HAG will be below 10,000 VND before the end of 2012 unless HAG will pay some cash dividence and/or some really good PR to fix this mess. I may be tempted to speculate in HAG after its stock price goes down to 9000 VND!!!