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VN-INDEX 1.296,75 +3,77/+0,29%
Biểu đồ thời gian thực
Cập nhật lúc 3:05:01 CH

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Phương pháp & Chiến lược

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VN-INDEX    1.296,75   +3,77/+0,29%  |   HNX-INDEX   237,57   -0,45/-0,19%  |   UPCOM-INDEX   100,61   +0,53/+0,53%  |   VN30   1.353,73   +4,28/+0,32%  |   HNX30   498,11   -1,20/-0,24%
21 Tháng Hai 2025 10:34:01 CH - Mở cửa
CTCP Tập đoàn MaSan (MSN : HOSE)
Cập nhật ngày 21/02/2025
3:05:01 CH
67,60 x 1000 VND
Thay đổi (%)

-0,40 (-0,59%)
Tham chiếu
Mở cửa
Cao nhất
Thấp nhất
Khối lượng
KLTB 10 ngày
Cao nhất 52 tuần
Thấp nhất 52 tuần
Gửi bình luận
Chúng tôi khuyến khích những bình luận theo hướng mở rộng hoặc bổ sung thông tin liên quan cho cổ phiếu. Chúng tôi sẽ khóa những bình luận có ngôn từ mang tính kích động hoặc bất nhã.
Bình luận (11)
davidnguyen4444    11 năm trước

I were amazed that my predictions (investors should short MSN (if they could) and start to cover between 80-90 (3 months ago))were so accurate. IF I were working for those ETFs which have big investments in MSN, I would make so much money for them selling MSN as high as 135,000!!!
I will not be giving any more of the "billion VND" advice for free. Send me an email at davidnguyen4444@yahoo.com

data2    11 năm trước

dear davidnguyen4444
Compare your KDC and MSN as the shrimp and crawfish
political support for MSN in the first nuiphao

davidnguyen4444    11 năm trước

I was expecting margin calls to send MSN to the floor again at the end of today, but it has come early. MSN will hit the floor if any fool try to sell a million shares because there are not enough bigger fools in the market to catch a falling bad blue chip/knife such as MSN.
The index has crashed along with MSN so I was able to buy my favorite dividend paying stocks on margin. Their cash dividend (>14%) are more than enough to pay the margin interest so I am hoping the index will be crashing till September 2013 so I can be fully invested in these stocks.

davidnguyen4444    11 năm trước

The fools who had paid 135,000 for MSN about 3 months ago were clearly the biggest fools according to the "bigger fool theory"!!! They had disregarded my warning that MSN is a bad blue chip because it has several bad critical indicators. "THE FOOLS AND THEIR MONEY WILL SOON BE PARTED" !!!!

davidnguyen4444    11 năm trước

There are several reports about how Yahoo wasted several billion dollars in M&A (5 billions for Broadcast.com...). Yahoo's M&A were within its main business (web sites), but Yahoo management was not able to handle the much larger business so are MSN management. MSN has a much more diversified business from consumer products to minerals; therefore, it is much more difficult to manage!!!
If MSN directors and CEO can successfully run the business, they deserve to be paid several hundred million dollars per year. The odd (90%) that they are worse than Yahoo management. If short selling is legal, I would short MSN today (109000) and cover some of my position at 80000-90000.

davidnguyen4444    11 năm trước

I have read some news about the bauxite mining disaster for Vinacomin (Vnc). It would not be a problem if VN government let an international mining company investing in the bauxite projects. Vnc can still sell a controlled interest in these projects to the highest bidder(s) to get some more financing and some profitability.
A year from now, MSN may have the same problem with its Nui Phao mine because it did not have the best experts to begin the project. I like the odd (70%) that MSN will lost money because of its Nui Phao mine.

davidnguyen4444    11 năm trước

The bad bluechips (MSN, BVH, HAG...)have been deflating lately because investors are tired of getting less than 2% divident and playing the fool game.
Short selling is not legal so I could not taking advantage of the bubble, but I was able to buy some more of my favorite medium-long term investment (at a discount) which may pay over 20% divident for 2012.

davidnguyen4444    11 năm trước

Investors have finally agreed with my opinion that MSN is a bad bluechip. All good companies must have good critical indicators, and MSN's indicators will be lower for 2013!!!
There is a very bad news for MSN because KDC will be attacking Masan food core business (noodle, fish/soy sauce...). I am giving KDC management credit for planning to make KDC label for these consumer products since they will not pay any premium for M&A. KDC can get these products at a lower price by contracting with several small companies that have surplus production capacities or by join venture with a Korea/Japan company to get state-of-the-art equipment, expertise and capital. Within a few years, KDC can teach MSN how to run a business.

davidnguyen4444    11 năm trước

I just found out that MSN will not pay any divident for 2013 (4 years in a row!!!!). The fools who had paid 135.000 for MSN (20 days ago) must have expected that a bigger fool will pay 144.000 some time later so they can get a 10% return.
The only people who are certain to make money are MSN directors and CEO (salary and bonus) and their relatives & friends (insider trading). MSN are paying hefty premiums on several M&A, and I am betting that these people had bought most of the targets' floating stocks before the news were leaked!!!! These people are getting very rich at the expense of MSN shareholders.
While MSN earning will raise because of these M&A, its critical indicators (P/E, ROEA, ROAA...) will be lower again.
MSN could do much better parking the money in a banks.

davidnguyen4444    11 năm trước

I like to add a some details about the last comment. On 03/22/2013, MSN rose to 135.000 before closing at 130.000. The source of my information is Vietstock; furthermore, I could not find any cash divident by MSN for the last few years. Any fool who had invested in MSN must have the expectation that a bigger fool will buy his/her share at a higher price because it is the only way they can make any money unless they are MSN directors/CEO.
MSN had been making a lot of mistakes paying hefty premiums for many M&A deals so I am expecting all the critical indicators (ROEA, ROAA, P/E...) will be worser than last year. That will be bad indicators 4 years in a row, and if it will not cause the MSN ballon to exploded, I should return my BA degree in Finance to CSU,S.
I wish that short selling was permited in VN so I can have an easy good time while those MSN fools rotted in hell.